曲目一覧 1.mary had a little lamb 2.danny had a little dog ほか 3.jack be nimble 4.jack be friendly ほか 5.there was an old woman who lived in a shoe 6.there was an old lived in a sock ほか 7.fuzzy wuzzy was a bear 8.busy lizzie is a bee ほか 9.hickory dickory dock 10.hickory dickory hock ほか 11.ladybird ladybird 12.rocking horse rocking horse ほか 13.teddy bear teddy bear furn around 14.baby bear baby bear touch vour knees ほか 15.this little piggy went tn market 16.this little chicken is silly ほか 17.diddle diddle dumpling my son jhon 18.doodle doodle doughnuts my dog don ほか 19.humpty dumpty sat on wall 20.buwpty wumpty ran in the house ほか 21.litlle jack horner litlle miss muffet
Mother Goose Jazz Chants
Carolyn Graham
マザーグース ジャズ チャンツCD
発行日 1995年
メーカー Oxford(オックスフォード大学広報)
JANコード 9780194340106
収録時間 53.14秒
1.mary had a little lamb
2.danny had a little dog ほか
3.jack be nimble
4.jack be friendly ほか
5.there was an old woman who lived in a shoe
6.there was an old lived in a sock ほか
7.fuzzy wuzzy was a bear
8.busy lizzie is a bee ほか
9.hickory dickory dock
10.hickory dickory hock ほか
11.ladybird ladybird
12.rocking horse rocking horse ほか
13.teddy bear teddy bear furn around
14.baby bear baby bear touch vour knees
15.this little piggy went tn market
16.this little chicken is silly ほか
17.diddle diddle dumpling my son jhon
18.doodle doodle doughnuts my dog don
19.humpty dumpty sat on wall
20.buwpty wumpty ran in the house ほか
21.litlle jack horner litlle miss muffet
#CD #Oxford #Mother・Goose
#キャロリン・グラハム #Carolyn・Graham